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Common waste tire pyrolysis refining technology


 The pyrolysis of waste tires is to open chemical bonds by external heating in an oxygen-free or inert atmosphere, and finally decompose them into gaseous hydrocarbons, liquid (pyrolysis oil) and solid charcoal, steel wire and other products. These products can be processed and transformed into high-value products, which can be applied in different places, such as: charcoal can be converted into activated carbon or carbon black or even carbon nanotubes; liquid products are rich in benzene and its homologues, which can be converted into fuel oil and benzene after purification; gaseous products can be directly burned as fuel to compensate or provide the heat required for the pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis is the best way to utilize waste tire materials and their thermal energy. During the pyrolysis process, the organic matter in the waste tires is converted into usable energy with high added value.

1. Molten salt pyrolysis

Molten salt pyrolysis is to use the excellent heat transfer properties of molten salt liquid under high temperature conditions. The liquid can fully contact with the waste tires to achieve rapid and efficient pyrolysis of waste tires, and the heat transfer loss during the pyrolysis process is small. The raw material pretreatment of molten salt pyrolysis technology is simple, and the pyrolysis of whole or half tires and crushed tires can be achieved. The molten salt technology is used to pyrolyze waste tires. Among the products obtained at a pyrolysis temperature of 390∼420◦C, pyrolysis gas is 14%, pyrolysis oil is 41%, and solid residues. Desulfurization and decalcification of waste tires are achieved at a relatively low temperature, and the ash content in the product can be effectively reduced.

2. Microwave pyrolysis

The working principle of microwave pyrolysis technology is that microwaves can accelerate the speed of chemical reactions. When waste tires are placed in a microwave field, the polar molecules in the tires will reciprocate at high speed under the action of the microwave high-frequency electric field, generating friction heat, thereby rapidly increasing the temperature inside the tire. As the temperature rises, the rubber and other polymer materials in the tire begin to crack, forming low molecular weight gas and liquid products, as well as by-products such as solid carbon black and steel wire.

3. Catalytic pyrolysis

The catalytic cracking method is to heat and decompose waste tires with a catalyst, and the produced oil reacts with the catalyst to obtain petroleum products of different qualities. This method can produce high-quality petroleum products, but the cost is relatively high. The catalytic cracking method has advantages in improving product quality and added value, and is suitable for occasions with high requirements for oil quality.

4. Normal pressure anaerobic pyrolysis

Normal pressure anaerobic pyrolysis technology uses high temperature in an oxygen-free or low-oxygen environment to cause the rubber and other organic substances in waste tires to undergo pyrolysis reactions. Under high temperature conditions, the rubber molecular chains break to form smaller molecules, which are then converted into gas, liquid and solid products. This process reduces the volume of waste tires and achieves resource recycling.

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